Fully Vaccinated Brisbane Wedding Photography Vendors

PSA: We are fully vaccinated.

If you or your venue require proof (vaccination certificate), please do not hesitate to reach out.

More than happy to make the process as seamless as possible.

Stay safe!

Sneaky phone shot from one of our vaccination-related doctor's visits.

Vaccination Status & Wedding Invitations

Who would have guessed that we would be living in the world that we are today? Planning a wedding is stressful and can be alienating depending on individual circumstances. However, there is a new curveball: asking family/friends/wedding guests for their vaccination status - or what has been dubbed navigating the world of ‘vaccine etiquette’. It is a tricky, sensitive position to be in. As always, kindness and respect will go a long way. Communication will, too. Like most things in life, you cannot control what other people do (or do not do) but you can control how you behave/respond. We have done some research and found different ways of approaching this situation. Hope one of these ideas resonates with/works for you and your loved ones:

We want to wish you all the best with how you go about approaching this situation we are all in. Here is hoping that there is less stress for everyone around the corner. <3