Grounding Advice for Tough Times


Hope this finds everyone well.

It has continued to be tough times for everyone in any industry. We are still in the throes of COVID-19 - including the collateral damage in the form of lockdowns, postponements, & cancellations. It is a really tough time.

Sometimes the simple things are the best. We recently read a very grounding thread on Facebook: "Best advice you can give in 4 words...". Here are some grounding gems to remind everyone of the important things in life:

❣be kinder than necessary
❣sing in the rain
❣always tell the truth
❣patience is a virtue
❣worrying won't change anything
❣forgiveness brings you peace
❣turn up the music
❣don't water down scotch
❣live in the present
❣you only live once
❣be good to everyone
❣stay in your lane
❣kindness is a choice
❣this too shall pass
❣think before you speak
❣dance like nobody's watching
❣trust your gut instincts
❣be grateful for everything
❣don't drink and drive
❣live and let live
❣save for rainy days
❣live outside your bubble
❣keep an open mind
❣love's worth the mess
❣life is a rollercoaster
❣take a deep breath
❣listen more than advise
❣don't hold a grudge
❣eat the chocolate cake
❣it's okay to cry
❣always wash your hands
❣growth happens through discomfort
❣turn off the phone
❣learn from your mistakes
❣it's never too late
❣taste before you salt
❣bloom where you're planted
❣measure twice, cut once
❣take the high road
❣don't sweat small stuff
❣tomorrow is another day
❣perception often isn't reality
❣put it in writing
❣set your own limits
❣celebrate the small victories
❣eat well, sleep well
