Wedding: F+A <3 (Brisbane Registry Office + Customs House)

F+A <3

This wedding was a wonderful whirlwind. Within less than 12 weeks, we met up with lovely F+A at Le Bon Choix on Edward Street, liaised back and forth, captured their wedding, and delivered their images.

The day was stunning and true to them. It was flawless. F+A had lined us up to capture some preparation, pre-ceremony portraiture, ceremony at the Brisbane Registry Office, and the reception at Customs House.

It was challenging for us to narrow down the images to share (we like our galleries to include something from each part of the day; however, we are also mindful that people do not usually want to scroll through 00s of images). We have collated 135-odd below.


Best Brisbane Wedding Photographer

Just a couple more for good measure: