Information :: A Day in the Life of Your Local Photographers

When I (Em) sat down to compile a list of suggested blog posts for this year, I came across this concept of sharing a day in your life. It did not jump out at me; instead, it felt almost a little self-absorbed and almost presumptuous that anyone would be interested in what our day might look like! I added it to the list and thought about it a little more. The idea grew on me in the context of pressing a pause button, in a way, and recording what life looks like right now (I am acutely aware that our little ones grow up so quickly and it is easy to forget what this time of life was like!). Over time, I decided to embrace the moment and pick a day. Our week is quite varied so I picked one I knew I would have time & opportunity to lug the camera along.

Furthermore, as it was only about a month ago that I documented this day, I had no idea that time would change everything in a short period. Now that we are in the heart of a pandemic (coronavirus), the landscape has completely changed. We are staying home (by choice) to try and limit the spread of the virus. These images contain so much freedom and, right now, we don’t have that luxury. Make the most of today and, if you are considering undertaking this project yourself, please let me encourage you!

Enjoy! <3


We are currently growing carrots:

Sometimes our little one likes to start her day with some fresh pickings of parsley or mint from our garden:

The little carrot tops look so happy soaking up the sun:

Pete makes a delicious chai (he has secret ingredients in nearly everything!):

Our little one is a budding artist:

I usually upload to Instagram in the morning sometime:

Colouring in some My Little Pony:

Some play on the bed:

More play on the bed:

Smoothie for breakfast:

Some Bluey:

Smoothie tastes better in a My Little Pony cup (and takes a while to consume atm):

More play:

Time for the day’s adventures:

Our little one takes after her dad and is showing an interest in numbers so we are teaching her through payment of her own babyccino:

Nearly everyone who knows me knows that I nearly always (99.9% of the time) carry enough food for everyone else’s children as well as my own but I completely forgot this day! So we stopped in for some sushi for lunch instead:

Stopping in at one of our favourite places in Brisbane - Northey Street City Farm:

So many quirky things at Northey Street City Farm:

Creating a (sun-smart) village in the sandpit:

It was a very hot, humid day and we had to head into the city (bus being the most convenient option); if there is nothing else I have learned in three years of parenting, it is that a well-fed, hydrated, active & stimulated toddler is nearly always a content toddler and so, on a day of running around in the heat, it was time for a Boost:

Rarely do we buy cake but as soon as our little one spotted this seemingly My Little Pony Rainbow Dash-inspired cake, I opted to say yes (sometimes, as a parent, you spend a lot of time saying no so it can be circuit-breaking every now and then, I find, to just say yes and do something different):

Time to work off the cake with a stroll along South Bank and some play at the playground:

Time to catch the bus home:

A visit from lovely Vanessa (Sew Master Fashions) to drop off a dress for any exciting shoot we will be releasing very shortly!:

A quick heat-up of some of Pete’s cooking (the best!):

Every night we read to our little one until she falls asleep:

We tell Chloe that she can choose whatever she would like to read and this particular night she rearranged the order so that MLP was on top: